Link Building With Authoritative Directories


Hard Core Link Building Using The Web’s Most Trusted Directories

This is going to cost money. But the ROI (return on investment) for your business will be incredible in terms of traffic and rankings.

If you hit the top 5-6 directories listed below, expect to spend a bit, but then watch your traffic and rankings rise disproportionately more than what you spend compared to other paid advertising.

Why Does Google Love Human Edited Paid Directories?

Because they are an easy place to pick up content that has passed through two powerful filters:

1. Human Editors: Human editors for directories that have good rules in place for only accepting sites with original content that are managed by real people and not bot-created and managed sites are highly prized by the directories and by Google. When Google finds sites in the directories below, they know they are quality sites. Google hits the big directories very often to sift for more sites and new content.

2. The Money Filter: Whatever costs money will be ignored by spammers. Spammers are thieves by nature and they certainly don’t want to lay down cash for any reason. Therefore directories that charge to be listed are spam free. Another reason Google and other engines use them to find “trusted” content.

The next benefit to us webmasters is these directories, like, get gargantuan amounts of traffic. You will get more traffic from the directories below once you are approved and listed.

What’s The Difference Between Trusted, Paid Directories And Submitting To 500,000 Link Directories?

The difference is night and day. If anyone can submit a link to a directory, Google and the rest of the world know it and don’t use it to find content like people do on the trusted directories. Don’t buy stupid submission programs that submit you to a bunch of link farms. It won’t do you a lick of good.

Here are a few very necessary places to be listed:

Here are a whole mess of other high quality directories listed by traffic and pagerank:

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More from my series on link building on a budget:

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getting links, link building, link directories, link popularity, seo

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