Trouble Writing? Try Word Bitches!



It’s the name of the blog run by Trish Loye Elliott, Elena Aitken, and Ironic Mom.  And it’s a very cool blog to follow, whether to commiserate with fellow writers or to learn through the lens of other bloggers who’ve overcome writer’s block or other issues we all encounter from time to time.

(I found them via a guest post on ProBlogger “Shakespeare on Blogging.”)

About Word Bitches

In short, we are a kick ass trio of writers who met, as most writers do, in a writing group. Despite writing in three very different genres, we found we had one, very important thing in common…we need accountability. When you’re a writer working towards publication, but not quite there, sometimes you need a push, a deadline of sorts, to keep you going. Thus, Wordbitches was born. Every day, the goal is to write a minimum of 500 words and report it.

Reading about other bloggers’ struggles and successes with writing, marketing, and generally keeping the flame burning, can be a great education.

Here’s a great one on writer’s block:

What do you do when you can’t write?

Note that when you hit a nerve with your posts, comments usually follow.  If you are blogging about things people really care about or situations they too have gone through (or are going through at that moment) you can get a lot more activity going on your blog.  The post above has 24 comments.  Must have hit that nerve!


1.  Great blog to follow to pick up writing tips from active writers.

2.  Great blog to follow to learn how to generate comments with great content.

3.  BONUS:  They are also really funny.  🙂


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accountability, collaboration, word bitches, writers block, writing

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